Electrical Fixed Wiring Testing (EICR) and PAT Testing became mandatory for Private Rented Properties in Scotland in December 2015.
New Smoke/Heat/Carbon detection legislation was introduced in May 2014. This applies to all Private Rented Properties. Visit our website for more information as well as the view the information in the below, supplied by Stirling Council to all Private Landlords in July 2017 Do you have plugs still in use like the old style plug to the left above on appliances perhaps such as standard lamps, older garden and household equipment - if so then these old style plugs place the end user at a higher risk of shock due to the non-insulating plug pins.
Notice the black insulating shields on the two pins of the new style plug top right - the new plugs are designed like this so that when the plug is not fully inserted into the socket outlet then any part of the pins on view and exposed are insulated so metal cannot be touched reducing the electric shock risk. This safety feature is not on older plugs meaning a higher shock risk when not fully inserted into a socket outlet. Click for more safety info on plugs and extension leads. As training course venues go it's hard to beat Hampden Park. |
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August 2017