I'm not the most upfront or forward person in the world but I do know that I find it hard to walk past someone without trying to give some sort of greeting to them.
I'm not talking about walking past someone in a busy London street or in the foyer of a pop concert hall, I'm more talking about when you pass someone in your small town or village while walking on the pavement as you pass each other by when there's not many other people around.
Just like waving to acknowledge a car driver when they have stopped for you to let you pass I believe where you were brought up and where you live now has a lot to do whether you will or not give out a small greeting or thank you gesture.
For example I've worked on the Isle of Islay and every car driver waves at you to say hello as you drive past, while in the village where I now live sometimes you can tell if someone has lived elsewhere simply if they do or don't do these greeting or thank you gestures.
Going for an early Sunday morning walk like I did today is a prime time to see how many people will say hello to you. This time is when you are more than likely to receive a response.
Every time I walk past someone in a relatively quiet street I always raise my head or glance towards the person to try and say hello or good morning to them but it still amazes me how many people 'of all ages' just don't glance back in your direction so the hello interaction can never begin.
Don't get me wrong as I approach these people I will likely have my head lowered and nose buried in my iPhone working away and responding to emails but I feel awkward and wrong if when people approach to pass me if I dont raise my head and glance at them to see if they look towards me so the opportunity to say hello to each other can take place.
Is a simple kindness greeting too much to ask for in this situation?